Microlessons and the Shrinking Attention Span

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Microlessons and the Shrinking Attention Span

July 07 2020
Quick Summary:
  • Microlesson - Teach one thing in 5 min or less.
  • Unlock more employee value with targeted high impact lessons
  • Learn by doing and experiencing consequences of decisions in a safe environment.
  • Show the impact of the decision.
  • Overcome the average 8 second attention span with active engagement

As the attention span shrinks teaching only gets harder.

Learners who know the material, make the right decisions and finish in just a few minutes actively participating in their own learning along the way.

Learners who don't know the content, make wrong decisions, but learn from the consequences of their actions, actively participating the development of their own knowledge. Regardless if the user passes or fails, the user is encouraged to restart the maze.

Keep employees compliant 5 minutes at a time and on the go.

"What's the point of living, if we don't let life change us?"

Most employee and student performance is measured by outcome, quality, and timeliness and in most jobs professional or vocational, performing the job takes nearly 100% of the employees time, as it should. However, when it comes to professional development where do they find the time to grow? In an effecient working environment time gained on the job id often spent trying to get ahead on the next task, to catch up on the perpetual backlog of work or perhaps socializing and building relationships with colleagues but what about time for professional growth and training.

In most organizations, real working environments there extra time for training doesn't exist and if it isn't measured it isn't performed or improved upon. Employees see learning as a chore, something they have to do and get through rather than as the opportunity it is supposed to be. This is because there is a often a disconnect with the delivery of the training and the employees everyday actions. The gap between modern online training and the tasks performed is too wide for the employee to connect how to apply the lessons to their everyday work.

As the average attention span approach 8 seconds, most workplace training are way too long and take too much time getting to the point of value. This is of course rather unfortunate because it creates a cycle of discounting the value of education and growth, thus they skip through Google the quiz and spend the rest of the time surfing the Internet.

In every 1 hour training there is the core value that can be summed up in less than one minute. There is more value in teaching one thing in 1 min that teaching nothing in an hour.

If the up front commitment is less than 5 minutes the employee is less likely to try and skip the activity, we must remove the learning barriers.

Training time should be adaptive so that those who learn faster don't have to waste time. Those who pay attention are rewarded with shorter training time and those who don't pay attention and try to skip through without learning anything will be forced to learn because they must choose the correct decision.

Every employer wants to know in a clear documented manner which employee are quick to learn and adapt and ready to advance. Adaptive microlessons built with Mazetec can show each decision an employee makes, the number of attempts and how long it take them. Try it free!!

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